
Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday Coziness

It warmed my heart when Steve finished a phone call with his boss in Sweden, who was observing fredagsmys with his family.  Literally translated it means "Friday cosiness" and typically consists of snack food, a sofa, and the television -- something to look forward to all week during a Scandanavian winter.  (A more detailed description of fredagsmys can be found here.)

We're expecting upwards of 18 more inches of snow today and tomorrow, so I think we'll be doing a little fredagsmys of our own.  I'm thankful for our garage, for both of us being able to work from home, and for it having snowed mostly on weekends this season. 

(This is not Steve's boss's family pictured here, but it's what I picture in my head.)

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