
Monday, June 28, 2010

Rustic Peach Tart

Last week I made it out to Marker-Miller orchard for the first time this season.  I dropped Olivia off at my parents beforehand so I could pick berries in peace, and wore my grubbies with my hair pulled back.  Alas, they were between crops, the strawberries having finished and their varieties of blackberries & raspberries were not ripe yet.  So I got some of their apricots (pictured here still on the tree) and other produce they resell from other farms, picked up Olivia, and headed to the grocery store. 

Not intending to carry on a theme, at the store I bought peaches: the sweet, white kind (my favorite) and the more ripe-looking regular kind.  When I got home and was thinking about dinner, an image of a rustic peach tart popped in my head.  It's somewhere in a cookbook or pile of magazine tear sheets, the image of peaches piled on a bottom crust and the crust then casually folded up around the edges.  I got tired of looking for the particular image in my head and turned to my pal Google.  I was hoping to use whole wheat pastry flour for the crust, and the recipe from Whole Foods just happened to use it without being asked.  (Note: I am not a big fan of Whole Foods, for the record. They just happened to post a recipe that I like.)

This is a picture of my actual rustic peach tart, not just a photo borrowed from the web. I used the white peaches, skipped the almond lining, didn't bother to boil/peel my peaches, and forgot the sugar in the glaze; otherwise I stuck to the recipe. Oh wait, I microwaved the glaze as I couldn't bring myself to dirty a saucepan for two tablespoons of ingredients. Wait, let me guess - Whole Foods is anti-microwave. Maybe I should use this as an excuse to buy one of those mini-saucepans, but only if they can go in the dishwasher.

I like that I didn't have to roll my crust perfectly round like I would when using a pie plate.  Another plus: the fold-over format of this crust lends itself well to being held like pizza instead of dirtying a dish.  Of course if I had company I'd let them use dessert plates.  Next time I'm using the fully-ripe peaches and I may throw in some of the local apricots or the "black velvet" ones I found at Wegmans. 

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