
Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Steve and I went to Colonial Williamsburg during our honeymoon (April 2000), and ever since then I've wanted to go back and see their Christmas decorations made from natural materials.  Yesterday Steve took a vacation day and my parents watched Olivia, and it turned out to be quite warm for December.  Our way of being tourists is to walk around and take pictures of things like architectural details.

There was plenty of interesting things to see without buying passes, and I couldn't get enough of the wreaths and garlands.  My favorites were ones containing shells...

... and osage oranges

... and bittersweet.

Food highlight: Virginia ham sandwiches with tavern root beer for lunch from the Cheese Shop.  As for Bowen, he slept through the whole thing but that was fine with us.


  1. You have such a good eye.

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Thanks for sharing his post! My husband was so patient as I tried to take pics of every doorway and window! Haaaaaa. Hope all's well!
