
Monday, November 10, 2014


It takes a while, but eventually I have found many of my favorite foods at one grocery store or another.  After looking all over town I found "American" bagels at the shop just down the street.  But just like that, they changed suppliers and stopped selling blueberry (but decided to keep sesame seed and poppyseed - ugh).  While mulling this over at the store today I sat and stared at the vast knäckebröd (crispbread) section. Swedes love this crackerlike flatbread with little flavor.  I guess it's a vehicle for them to get mayo and shrimps or some sort of food-in-a-tube in their mouths?  (There's another whole subject alltogether.) Anyway, at the edge of that section I noticed several flavors of these "krisprolls." Maybe they would give a little toasty crunch under cream cheese without being so chewy like a bagel. (Nothing against bagels, but I have TMJ issues so I choose my food accordingly.)  I couldn't decipher any of the flavors; I wasn't sure if they were flavored like the picture (i.e. honey orange) or if that's just a serving suggestion.  So I took pictures to do a little more research.

The package says: Vete vehnä läckert frasiga Herkullisen rapeita

Google Translate: wheat vehnä incisive crispy Herkullisen rapeita

Bing translator it to: vete a delicious crunchy wheat läckert frasiga

Fail. Then I found the website, which shows the packaging in English.

Ah... Golden Wheat.  Sounds good!  I'm thinking cream cheese would make these a good plain bagel substitute especially with lox, or with something with more flavor like tuna salad or bruschetta. (I'm still thinking about that bruschetta on the breakfast buffet in Florence with a touch of green olives and sea salt... mmm!)  I like all their Krisproll serving suggestions on the website under Krispylicious.

Although I held off on purchasing plain Krisprolls until I translated the packaging, in the meantime I did buy the cardamom ones and topped them with orange marmalade. Thumbs up.  No toasting required. Swedes stick cardamom in lots of places it doesn't belong (carrot cake, cinnamon rolls, cookies), but cardamom Krisprolls are something entirely new to me so it works.  They're kind of like biscotti, but not as sweet.  Place your Christmas orders now.

1 comment:

  1. I think I got some at IKEA once. Very crisp (shred your inner mouth) but would probably survive the mail! Keep exploring!
