Friday, August 19, 2011

County fair

We skipped our county fair this year because it was over 100 degrees out. This week is the fair for the next county over, so we joined our friends Mary and Preston to pet some animals and get fresh kettle corn. I wish I had been taking video of Olivia feeding the Holstein calf... and her resulting belly laughs. Check out that tongue!

One of my favorite books as a kid was about a duckling named Henry, and another about a lamb named Timothy.  I have a business idea: a baby animal lease program, where members could enjoy the cuteness of a chick/puppy/calf/cub/joey as long as they want without having to worry about what they're going to do when it becomes an adult.  Just trade it in for a baby monkey or something.  I digress.  The ducklings were my fave at the fair...

And I love the softness of a horse's nose.  Olivia had so much fun seeing (and feeding) all the animals.  We'll practice flat-palm feeding before next summer, but fortunately the ones we fed were very gentle.

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